30 mars 2011

message facebook

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De : Jean-Luc Delhougne

Hahaha, j'adore :D

Bonne semaine mon frère, et commence déjà à prendre ton souffle pour les
bougies ;)

29 mars 2011

27 mars 2011

Finale des séries du "Novice A" 27 mars 2011

Le numéro 7 : Vincent Delhougne

26 mars 2011

Delphine chez le médecin

Juste un petit traitement contre les verrues ...

25 mars 2011

Le parking moto a été remplacé par ......... des Bixis

Et c'est ou que je vais mettre ma moto moi ???

24 mars 2011

mon frère www.JL3D.com Animation Mentor Newsletter

Jean-Luc Delhougne Showcase Testimonial

The student showcase motivates students to submit their very best work for review, pushing their animation to the next level. Jean-Luc Delhougne, a recent Animation Mentor graduate from Belgium, improved his animation skills because of the challenges he encountered while creating his showcase shot. The interactive dialogue between his two characters caused his showcase shot to be the most difficult piece he has ever animated.
Jean-Luc explains that animating the eyes was the most difficult part of his shot. Maintaining an accurate eye line direction from one character to another while also portraying the characters' emotions was something he worked on frame-by-frame to ensure that it was just right. Although this was a time-consuming process, he explains that it was important because “the eyes are the mirror of the soul.”
For Jean-Luc, Animation Mentor's Polishing & Portfolio class pushed his animation from good to great. After that class, he applied his new skills and redid portions of his shot to take it to the next level.
The biggest takeaway that Jean-Luc learned while creating his showcase shot was to understand when to use wide acting versus subtle acting. He learned to tone down the acting to a refined and subtle level in his final shot.

Copyright© 2011 AnimationMentor.com® All Rights Reserved

23 mars 2011

maya launcher

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De : JL D

Voilà le launcher de Maya, que mon ami scripter a changé spécialement pour ce matin au boulot...

22 mars 2011

20 mars 2011

Famille Touchette

Magnifique !

19 mars 2011

Toche chez le physio

Qui prend bien soin de tout mon côté droit ! Merci Mimi !

18 mars 2011

fin mars et il neige

Il y a 2 jours je roulais en moto ... et paf ... 15cm de neige !

13 mars 2011

Antonin porte fièrement son T-shirt ... de pirate

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De : Claudine
Allo Sophie et Christophe,
Voici Antonin vraiment fier de son t-shirt des pirates de Playmobil...et de son chapeau!
 Il était prêt pour le bal costumé du CPE; il n'a rien voulu savoir d'un maquillage! ;o)
Claudine xx

12 mars 2011

Ma brune redevenue blonde

Ma merveilleuse brunette est repassée au blond platine !

11 mars 2011

Vincent porte fièrement son T-shirt spécial Broncos

Vincent porte fièrement son T-shirt spécial Broncos

10 mars 2011

Moi aussi je pose !


09 mars 2011